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The Top 100 Innovators in Data and Analytics 2018

Ursula Cottone

Albert K. Hoang Duc, Ph.D (3)-2What would you say most motivates you to do what you do?

I love helping solve problems, making it easier for colleagues to do their job and leveraging data to make more sound decisions.

What led you to your current role?
A variety of roles in banking in which I always had challenges with data, from finding it, cleaning it, maintaining it and ultimately using it.

Did you have any key mentors or people who deeply influenced you, can you tell us about them?

I have three in particular that were critical to my development and ultimately my career. They were all people who trusted me and gave me opportunities to stretch myself. Each of their coaching allowed me to try new things and learn more about banking, people, leadership and most importantly about myself.

Can you describe to us a current project/transformation you are working on?

Building an Enterprise Data Strategy, approach and roadmap while hiring the people to help me.

What has this project taught you?

This project has taught me how much I have learned over the years and how important both my successes and failures have been!

What excites you most about the future?

Short term -- building this data environment/ecoystem to truly help the bank now and into the future.
Long term -- I'm excited about all the new uses of data and analytics on our world and I hope to play my small part in that evolution!

If you could give 1 piece of advice to someone looking to start a career in data & analytics, what would it be?

Listening is key - understanding the challenges people face, how do they describe their role and what do they want to do in the future. All of this listening will allow you to translate it into data & analytic solutions and give you the words/language to explain how you are going to help them.


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