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Tech Trends 2019:

Beyond the digital frontier


Beyond the digital frontier. A persistent theme of every Tech Trends report has been the increasing, often mind-bending, velocity of change. A decade ago, many companies could achieve competitive advantage by embracing innovations and trends that were already underway. Today, this kind of reactive approach is no longer enough. To stay ahead of the game, companies must work methodically to sense new innovations and possibilities, define their ambitions for tomorrow, and journey beyond the digital frontier.

But the question remains: How can we sense and act upon a future that remains unclear?

You can download the report here.


Beyond the digital frontier. A persistent theme of every Tech Trends report has been the increasing, often mind-bending, velocity of change. A decade ago, many companies could achieve competitive advantage by embracing innovations and trends that were already underway. Today, this kind of reactive approach is no longer enough. To stay ahead of the game, companies must work methodically to sense new innovations and possibilities, define their ambitions for tomorrow, and journey beyond the digital frontier.

But the question remains: How can we sense and act upon a future that remains unclear?

You can download the report here.
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