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SAP Consumer Propensity Report Australia 2018

SAP Consumer Propensity Report Australia 2018


Australians love to shop online but what inspires a quick checkout and what drives consumers to walk away from their shopping carts?

Brands everywhere are looking for ways to reduce cart abandonment by customers, but with more than a quarter of Australian shoppers abandoning their carts at least half the time, it's a tough nut to crack.

We asked 1,000 Australian consumers about their use of online shopping; and what their favourite brands do to make them click 'purchase'.

We've discovered some interesting results - including the key reasons carts are abandoned and what customers would really like to see from brands

So, what are you waiting for?

Download your copy of the SAP Consumer Propensity Report Australia 2018.



Australians love to shop online but what inspires a quick checkout and what drives consumers to walk away from their shopping carts?

Brands everywhere are looking for ways to reduce cart abandonment by customers, but with more than a quarter of Australian shoppers abandoning their carts at least half the time, it's a tough nut to crack.

We asked 1,000 Australian consumers about their use of online shopping; and what their favourite brands do to make them click 'purchase'.

We've discovered some interesting results - including the key reasons carts are abandoned and what customers would really like to see from brands

So, what are you waiting for?

Download your copy of the SAP Consumer Propensity Report Australia 2018.


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