Corinium Intelligence Insights

Chief Analytics Officer Survey: 57% say 'Culture' a Key Barrier in Advancing Data and Analytics Strategy

Written by Corinium | Jul 6, 2018 10:17:25 AM
We have recently conducted a survey of the Chief Analytics Officer Forum attendees to find out some of the key issues facing them and their solutions investment plan in the next 12-24 months. In this survey, it was revealed that 57% of respondents found ‘Driving cultural change’ as the biggest barrier to advancing data and analytics strategy. This was closely followed by ‘Integration of new technology with legacy systems’ (52%) and ‘Getting buy in from business units’ (41%).

The result of this survey actually tallies with key industry findings. In an article entitled ‘4 strategies for driving analytics culture change’ published by, it was boldly declared that: “Culture change is hard.” It further continues that “the solution lies in a mix of tooling and analysis and information delivery architecture. Often, culture changing strategies can fall flat because they approach the problem from purely a tooling perspective. Vendors offering such tools paint a rosy picture of how the right tool can change the culture and behavior within an organization. However, the problem often is more complex.”

Culture change is hard. The solution lies in a mix of tooling and analysis and information delivery architecture.

Meanwhile, the Chief Analytics Officer Survey also looked at the respondents’ investment plans and a whopping 70% of all respondents (81% of whom are C-Suite Decision Makers) revealed that they plan to invest in Data Analytics solutions in the next 12-24 months, followed by Predictive Analytics solutions (64%) and Business Intelligence tools (62%). It’s also interesting to note that 68% of them choose solutions at Conferences and Events.

More of our findings from the infograph below:

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