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Do you have budget left for 2018 that you need to use to generate leads THIS year?
Do you need more leads to meet KPI’s?
Do you have great content that you need more people to see?


At Corinium, we can provide you access to over 17,000 CX, Marketing and Digital executives, within Australia and New Zealand, where you can share your content and generate new leads for your solution.


Digital Benefits

What does a digital campaign look like?

Refine your Target Market

  • Jobtitles
  • Seniority
  • Industry
  • Country




  • We provide you with weekly lead reports based on the download of your content

Choose your Messaging

Select a content piece for our audience to engage with and download. It can be:

  • Report
  • Whitepaper
  • Research
  • Case Study


  • 3 dedicated emails focused on your content or interest piece (spread over 3 months - 1 content piece per month)
  • Host your content on our Corinium Insights website
  • Social Media promotion: We promote your content via our Linkedin, Facebook and Twitter accounts

Audience Profile

 Digital Profile Industry geo seniority



Previous Clients


Digital Previous clients

How to Get involved?


If you would like to participate, please contact:

Ben Shipley

Phone: +61 451 406 384

Email: ben.shipley@coriniumgroup.com


Download the Digital Prospectus by completing the form opposite for further details.

 Digital APAC Ben


If you would like to participate, please contact:

Ben Shipley

Phone: +61 451 406 384

Email: ben.shipley@coriniumgroup.com


Download the Digital Prospectus by completing the form opposite for further details.

 Digital APAC Ben