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Audrey Limery: Facing Up to Racism in the Data and Analytics Community

Audrey Limery CEO & Founder of analytics platform Kweevo talks with Business of Data podcast host Catherine King about her experiences of discrimination in the data and analytics community, and the impact they have had on her career

In this week's episode of the Business of Data podcast, host Catherine King talks with Audrey Limery CEO & Founder of analytics platform Kweevo about her journey into data and analytics, how racist and sexist experiences negatively impacted aspects of her confidence and professional development, and how she addressed these challenges and harnessed her passion for the industry to create something innovative.

In the discussion this week:

  • Audrey Limery's journey into the data and analytics industry her early experiences with racism and xenophobia in France and the UK
  • How micro-aggressions and unequal treatment in the workplace combine to create a toxic work environment for many people of color
  • Limery's motivation and journey for creating her own start-up and the challenges she's faced along the way
  • How Limery embraced doing what she loves to empower herself to create something innovative in the data and analytics space
  • Advice for the next generation of Black leaders in data and analytics