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Shifting Focus: From MQL Metrics to Pipeline Quality for B2B Marketers

I had pleasure of facilitating a marketing leaders lunch where several B2B companies gathered to discuss the challenges they face in their marketing efforts.

One key takeaway from the discussions was the shifting focus from traditional marketing qualified lead (MQL) metrics toward ensuring high quality leads in the pipeline.

Placing more emphasis on validating the quality of leads has the potential to significantly increase the authenticity and reliability of leads for the sales process.

While forward-thinking, this change in perspective has presented challenges for B2B marketers, who are now seeking more meaningful metrics to validate leads.

This article explores the challenges faced by B2B marketers in this evolving landscape and how conferences can serve as a valuable source for achieving these new metrics.

In the past, B2B marketers relied heavily on MQLs to measure the success of their marketing campaigns. However, as the marketing landscape has evolved, it has become increasingly important to focus on the quality of leads rather than just the quantity.

Simply generating a high number of leads is no longer enough; marketers need to ensure that these leads have a higher likelihood of converting into paying customers.

Complicated Dashboards and the Need for Quality Leads

As B2B marketers transition from MQL-centric metrics, traditional metrics alone no longer provide a comprehensive picture of lead quality or the impact on the sales pipeline.

Instead, marketers are now focusing on identifying quality leads that are more likely to convert into customers. Rather than relying solely on MQLs, many B2B marketers are now prioritising booked meetings and the number of meetings held as greater indicators of lead potential.

This way, marketers can gauge the level of engagement and interest from potential customers. This shift helps sales teams focus on the leads that have demonstrated genuine interest in the product or service.

Conferences as a Source of Achieving Quality Metrics

Conferences play a crucial role in the B2B marketing landscape, providing opportunities to connect with new prospects and nurture existing relationships.

These events offer a platform for face-to-face interactions and enable marketers to showcase their products or services to a highly targeted audience.

By leveraging conferences strategically, B2B marketers can generate more meaningful metrics – such as booked meetings or the number of meetings held – in a dedicated and energetic environment.

Conferences provide a focused setting where marketers can engage with prospects directly, leading to more qualified and valuable leads. Furthermore, conferences offer access to a targeted audience, enabling marketers to connect with decision-makers and industry experts.

Networking opportunities, speaking engagements, and interactive sessions provide platforms to build credibility and establish thought leadership, ultimately leading to an increase in booked meetings.

If you are reviewing the quality of your pipeline, consider the value of engaging leads at a relevant industry event.

Have an interest in Information Security or Data & Analytics, check out Corinium’s portfolio of conferences here: https://www.coriniumintelligence.com/events-calendar


If you are interested in learning more, contact our team at info@coriniumintel.com or visit https://www.coriniumintelligence.com/