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CAO Europe 2017 – Ivan Guz, CAO, Avito

Written by Corinium

CAO Europe 2017 – Ivan Guz, CAO, Avito

Written by Corinium on May 7, 2017 11:20:00 AM

Data and Analytics


The Chief Analytics Officer Europe Forum is the premier event for CAOs and senior analytics professionals, providing top-level strategic advice and discussion. CAO Europe brings the senior analytics community together to discuss the most critical data and analytics challenges faced by their organisations and the wider industry as a whole.

As businesses expand their executive teams with new C-level titles and place data at the centre of their strategic journey, the desire to change that data in to a strategic asset is growing – enter the Chief Analytics Officer.  It is the CAO’s role to create real business value through data analytics and promote the company’s data-driven culture and it is predicted that within 5 years the Chief Analytics Officer will be one of the most strategic roles within any organisation. At CAO Europe, we bring together CAOs and analytics thought leaders to address challenges and solutions specific to their unique and evolving role.

Over 150 CAOs and VP-Level analytics executives from all over Europe will meet in London to examine the role of the CAO in more detail than ever before and discuss strategies for deriving real actionable and strategic benefits through analytics.

For more information, visit https://coriniumintelligence.com/chiefanalyticsofficereurope/


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