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The Future of Data Warehousing: Integrating with Data Lakes, Cloud, and Self-Service


Partner Content with Cloudera

Cloudera - The Future of Data Warehousing

Written by Corinium on Nov 20, 2018 12:47:00 AM

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Download the Report

Recent developments in data management—self-service, big data, data lakes, NoSQL, Hadoop, and the cloud—raise questions about the role of the data warehouse in modern analytic ecosystems.

Data warehouse modernization is a journey, not an event. Done well it is a planned and incremental step-by-step process of moving from warehousing of the past to the future of data warehousing.

Cloudera in partnership with Eckerson Group have developed this report to provide guidance to breaking the logjam and begin moving to data warehouses that are agile, scalable, and adaptable in the face of continuous change.

Download the report and plan your journey and navigate the course with these top tips.

Download the Report

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