In a marketplace where over $400BN is spent every year on tools, technologies, internal salaries and external resources, Talent executives face increasing pressure to demonstrate that their investment is paying off in areas like sustainable behavior change, finding the right talent for key hires, driving consistent leadership culture, positively influencing employer branding and ultimately demonstrating return on investment (ROI).
However, organizations continually struggle to measure the business impact and behavior change achieved through their Talent initiatives.
- Too often, business alignment is a reactive response to executive questions instead of a proactive process embedded in the culture of talent organizations.
- Many organizations focus efforts on measuring the easy metrics like throughput and user satisfaction and not the more meaningful metrics like business impact (e.g. financial, operational, customer and brand, learning and growth capabilities) and expected behavior change.
- Traditional training methods deployed in organizations to address their business needs such as instructor-led training and eLearning, fall short of sustaining behavior change.
- Traditional measurement methods deployed in organizations to quantify business impact such as surveys, interviews and multiple choice questions, fall short of scalably measuring business impact and ROI.
This research paper is focused on Sustainable Behavior Change: Metrics, Measurements and Methods. An initial collection of concepts, principles and best practices for optimizing employee behavior and delivering measurable business impact are presented. This is a complex and expansive subject when applied to the practices of the Talent Management Lifecycle (TML): Talent Acquisition, Talent Development and Talent Management. To simplify our task, throughout this paper we will focus our context predominantly on post-hire situations, i.e. Talent Development and Talent Management. However, the principles of alignment, metrics, measurement and methods are globally applicable to all Talent practices.
Section 1 focuses on business alignment and the processes and practices of ensuring your Talent initiatives are strongly aligned to the business needs and requirements of your organization.
Section 2 discusses how metrics and measurements are key to determining and quantifying the business impact and ROI from you Talent initiatives.
Section 3 emphasizes the methods, and their key attributes, that can deliver sustainable behavior change in your organization.
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