Caroline Carruthers, Chief Executive of data consultancy Carruthers & Jackson, tells the stories of, and shares insights from, her two acclaimed books on the Chief Data Officer
Caroline Carruthers was one of the early Chief Data Officers in the UK at a time when very little was known about the role. Over the length of her tenure she learnt, the hard way, what it meant to be a CDO and how critical the role was to the growth and success of Network Rail and then law firm Lowell.
Caroline now runs data consultancy Carruthers & Jackson with Peter Jackson, another CDO who has a passion for sharing the lessons he's learnt.
Together they have authored two highly acclaimed data focused books in two years, The Chief Data Officer's Playbook and Data Driven Business Transformation: How to Disrupt, Innovate & Stay Ahead of the Conversation. That shows how much knowledge they have to share. In practice, they spent years researching the books during their roles as CDOs.
In this video, Carruthers shares tips on what companies need to look for when developing a Chief Data Officer role, as well as the importance of data quality in today's business environment.
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Data Quality Training Online
About the Course
In an age where data analytics is used to drive decision-making across every facet of a business, ensuring the quality of your data is paramount to your organization's success. The adage "garbage in, garbage out" may be cliched, but it describes, the critical importance of quality data being fed into sophisticated models perfectly.
Corinium has partnered with InfoBluePrint to bring you the most comprehensive data quality management course delivered through a state-of-the-art webinar platform. The course structure is eight modules spread over four days by our leading trainers - Diana Joseph and Joe Newbert. These eight modules are:
- Data Quality Awareness
- Data Quality in Context
- Data Assessment
- Business & User Requirements
- Data Measurement
- Data Correction
- Problem Prevention
- Context of Data Management